Ep. 13 Let's talk about depression

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In this episode of Ask Jillian, Liz and I talk about depression and anxiety, how it has affected our lives in different ways. I have felt hard hit by it these last few years due to divorce, grief and cancer. But being a single parent, I so often have to put on a brave face, get up and keep going. Since my cancer diagnosis, in moments of loneliness and despair, it has been my online social media family that has lifted me up sharing your amazing stories and inspired me to have hope that it will get better. I know I am not alone, depression and anxiety affects millions of us. It is often not diagnosed, misdiagnosed or there is a shame associated with it that keeps someone from seeking help. Dealing with mental health should be considered brave. It takes incredible strength to admit you need help. I am not afraid or ashamed to talk about my depression anymore and ask for help. It's my only way out, to talk about it and take it head (that’s a pun) on!


Ep. 14 Lisa Ann Walter is one seriously smart funny lady!


Ep. 12 Jack Maxwell is wicked proper!